Home > Products > Dental Drill Bearing > SR2TLYZZ1C Ceramic Ball(3.175X7.5X2.78MM)
SR2TLYZZ1C Ceramic Ball(3.175X7.5X2.78MM)

SR2TLYZZ1C Ceramic Ball(3.175X7.5X2.78MM)

The SR2TLYZZ1C Ceramic Ball (3.175X7.5X2.78MM) is a top-of-the-line product that offers unbeatable performance and consistency. Made from high-quality materials, this ceramic ball is extremely durable and resistant to wear and tear. Its precise dimensions ensure perfect fit and function, enhancing overall system performance. With smooth surfaces and unparalleled stability, the SR2TLYZZ1C Ceramic Ball is the ultimate choice for precision applications.

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