Home > Products > Dental Drill Bearing > SR144TLKZ1W02 Steel Ball (3.175X6.35X2.78/2.38MM)
SR144TLKZ1W02 Steel Ball (3.175X6.35X2.78/2.38MM)

SR144TLKZ1W02 Steel Ball (3.175X6.35X2.78/2.38MM)

The SR144TLKZ1W02 Steel Ball (3.175X6.35X2.78/2.38MM) is a high-performance product in the dental drill bearing series. It boasts exceptional durability and reliability, thanks to its top-quality steel ball composition. This product ensures smooth operation and long service life, making it a great choice for dental professionals who demand top-quality tools. With its excellent precision and superior performance, the SR144TLKZ1W02 is the perfect addition to any dental practice looking to improve the quality of its work.

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