Home > Products > Dental Drill Bearing > SR144K2TLKZ1W02 Steel Ball(3.175X6.35X2.78/2.38MM)
SR144K2TLKZ1W02 Steel Ball(3.175X6.35X2.78/2.38MM)

SR144K2TLKZ1W02 Steel Ball(3.175X6.35X2.78/2.38MM)

The high-performance SR144K2TLKZ1W02 steel ball bearings designed specifically for dental drill applications. With dimensions of 3.175mm x 6.35mm x 2.78/2.38mm, these bearings offer exceptional stability, low friction, and high precision. Their advanced construction ensures long-lasting durability and smooth operation. Trust SR144K2TLKZ1W02 bearings to deliver optimal performance for your dental practice needs.

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