Home > Products > Dental Drill Bearing > SR144K1TLKZW02C Ceramic Ball(3.175X6.35X2.38/2.78MM)
SR144K1TLKZW02C Ceramic Ball(3.175X6.35X2.38/2.78MM)

SR144K1TLKZW02C Ceramic Ball(3.175X6.35X2.38/2.78MM)

Our SR144K1TLKZW02C Ceramic Ball (3.175X6.35X2.38/2.78MM), is a top-notch bearing that boasts exceptional performance and quality. Its advanced ceramic ball construction ensures less friction and noise while providing superior durability and longevity. With precision engineering and expert craftsmanship, this product is well-suited for a wide range of applications, including in the automotive and industrial sectors.

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