Home > Products > Dental Drill Bearing > SFR144K2TLGZ1WC Ceramic Ball (3.175X6.35X2.78MM)
SFR144K2TLGZ1WC Ceramic Ball (3.175X6.35X2.78MM)

SFR144K2TLGZ1WC Ceramic Ball (3.175X6.35X2.78MM)

The SFR144K2TLGZ1WC Ceramic Ball (3.175X6.35X2.78MM) is a high-quality bearing product designed for dental drill applications. With its ceramic ball material, it offers superior strength and durability, making it an excellent choice for heavy-duty use. Additionally, its precise dimensions ensure smooth and efficient operation, reducing wear and tear on the drill shaft. Ultimately, this product provides outstanding performance and reliability, making it an excellent investment for any dental professional seeking a reliable and efficient product.

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