Home > Products > Dental Drill Bearing > SFR144K1TLZ Ceramic Ball(3.175X6.35X2.38MM)
SFR144K1TLZ Ceramic Ball(3.175X6.35X2.38MM)

SFR144K1TLZ Ceramic Ball(3.175X6.35X2.38MM)

Our SFR144K1TLZ ceramic ball is a high-quality product that boasts durability, accuracy, and precision. Measuring at 3.175x6.35x2.38mm, this ceramic ball offers top-notch performance and consistent results. With its smooth surface and resistance to wear and corrosion, it's a reliable choice for industrial applications that require high performance and long-lasting durability. Our customers can count on this product to exceed their expectations and enhance their operations. Choose our SFR144K1TLZ ceramic ball for superior performance and long-term value.

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