Home > Products > Dental Drill Bearing > SFR144TLZC Ceramic Ball (3.175X6.35X2.38MM)
SFR144TLZC Ceramic Ball (3.175X6.35X2.38MM)

SFR144TLZC Ceramic Ball (3.175X6.35X2.38MM)

SFR144TLZC Ceramic Ball (3.175X6.35X2.38MM) is a highly reliable and durable dental drill bearing. This product offers exceptional performance and reliability due to its high-quality ceramic ball construction. Its compact size also ensures that it fits seamlessly into your dental drill, providing you with greater precision and control during use. This bearing is perfect for all dental applications and will exceed your expectations in every way. Try the SFR144TLZC Ceramic Ball Bearing today and experience the difference it can make in your dental practice!

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